
Taiwanese Cold Noodles 涼麵
Taiwanese cold noodles is definitely a perfect summer meal! It's refreshing, but extremely flavorful! And it fits the summer life style when you don't want to spend much time in...
Taiwanese Cold Noodles 涼麵
Taiwanese cold noodles is definitely a perfect summer meal! It's refreshing, but extremely flavorful! And it fits the summer life style when you don't want to spend much time in...

Crab Vermicelli Casserole 螃蟹粉絲煲
Here's a fancy dish to impress your guests! Cooking seafood is not as hard as most people think if your ingredients are fresh and "live"!! When I say "live", most...
Crab Vermicelli Casserole 螃蟹粉絲煲
Here's a fancy dish to impress your guests! Cooking seafood is not as hard as most people think if your ingredients are fresh and "live"!! When I say "live", most...

Shanghai Rice Cake 上海炒年糕
Sticky Rice Cake is getting more and more popular. It used to be a dish that we only ate during Chinese New Year, but hey, why limit something so delicious...
Shanghai Rice Cake 上海炒年糕
Sticky Rice Cake is getting more and more popular. It used to be a dish that we only ate during Chinese New Year, but hey, why limit something so delicious...

Chopstick Noodles 蕃茄麵疙撘
This is not a fancy dish, but it definitely gets an A+ for Comfort Food! From making the dough, to finishing this hearty noodle soup takes only 30 mins. It’s...
Chopstick Noodles 蕃茄麵疙撘
This is not a fancy dish, but it definitely gets an A+ for Comfort Food! From making the dough, to finishing this hearty noodle soup takes only 30 mins. It’s...

Minced Pork & Soy Bean Paste Noodle Sauce 炸醬麵
This is a dish from Northern China, but nowadays, it's so popular, everyone has their own version! It's kinda like the Chinese version of spaghetti meat sauce. My recipe is...
Minced Pork & Soy Bean Paste Noodle Sauce 炸醬麵
This is a dish from Northern China, but nowadays, it's so popular, everyone has their own version! It's kinda like the Chinese version of spaghetti meat sauce. My recipe is...

Seafood Noodle Soup 海鮮麵
Just a simple dinner tonight, it's getting cooler and rainy! A steaming bowl of noodle soup should be a perfect fit! Simple, but not boring! In my mom's house, a...
Seafood Noodle Soup 海鮮麵
Just a simple dinner tonight, it's getting cooler and rainy! A steaming bowl of noodle soup should be a perfect fit! Simple, but not boring! In my mom's house, a...